
Offener Brief an europäische Piratenparteien: Support European citizens’ initiative for an Unconditional Basic Income!

Dear Pirates,

The Pirate Party Germany supports a new European citizens’ initiative [1]. This initiative should bring the „Unconditional Basic Income (UBI)“ [2] to the mind of the European citizens. Citizens from all 27 Member States can sign online under . It should start a discussion about the future of social politics in Europe. Political organizations are welcome to support the initiative and help to boost the alliance for an unconditional basic income.

I request you to support this European citizens’ initiative!

About European Citizens‘ Initiative:
The European Citizens‘ Initiative is considered to be a legal act to propose actions from the European Commission. To do so the formed citizens‘ committee defines the object and the actions asked from the European Commission. This request has to follow certain rules and needs to match the legal powers of the European Commission otherwise the request will be refused.

About the Unconditional Basic Income (UBI):
The Unconditional Basic Income is an idea for a new way of social politics in European countries. The current economic developments thru out Europe are showing very clear that we have to find new answers within a changing world. The Unconditional Basic Income has a lot in common with our thoughts about a liberal and self-determined life. It is exactly for which we pirates stand. The general idea is that citizens receive a guaranteed income for their basic needs. It would simplify our social security and our tax systems, so people can understand it again. People could use a kind of neutral platform for their Life and their occupational career.

In this connection we’d like to emphasize that the Pirate Party is the only political party in Germany with the explicit political will to implement a Unconditional Basic Income. It’s a constituent part of our political program and thus we are supporting this European Citizens‘ Initiative.

The actual status of the European citizens’ initiative for an Unconditional Basic Income:
Political organizations from 22 Member States oft the European Union are supporting this initiative. Before the 14th of January in 2014, we need to collect one million statements of support in total and reach a minimum number in least 7 member states. The minimum number of statements of support we have to collect depends on the size of the member state.

We need your help:
The initiative should be brought to the European citizens‘ mind in order to collect statements of support. This is a great opportunity to show the European citizens that the Pirate Party is an effective international political party. In order to transport these economic and social policy interrelationships across Europe we are in the need of your personal help and activities:

– Ask your organization to support the campaign
– Go out and tell the people, collect statements of support
– Write articles about the UBI and the European citizens’ initiative in your language
– Add a banner to your homepage or your Mail signature
– Get in contact with local supporters of the campaign

The basic income is not a revolution. It is an evolution of social politics!

Thank you very much in advance!

Best regards,


Thomas Küppers
Delegate for social politics of the Pirate Party Germany

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